Anthro - a personalized AI Coach at scale.

Give Customers Someone to Turn To

Everyone needs good advice from time to time; practical guidance from a family member or trusted friend. It’s an essential element of the human experience. It’s how we all get by. And conversely, there’s no feeling more satisfying than knowing your words have made a real difference in the life of a person in need.

As organizations search for new ways to connect with customers in a more meaningful way, the power of AI provides an unprecedented opportunity for innovative, forward-thinking businesses looking to support customers at scale. The challenge has always been crafting a system that could understand a customer as well as a human would.

Enter: Anthro. The AI coach that understands and guides your customers towards success.

Anthro’s AI model builds a complete human story by relying on this foundational equation:

Perspirational Data + Aspirational Data = Recommendation

Let’s break it down:

Perspirational Data

Perspirational Data (i.e., sweat equity) is the customer’s (or patient’s) historical records. This data provides valuable customer context by cataloging and analyzing your customers’ behavior patterns, trials and tribulations, and much more. Anthro gathers this personal customer data by securely integrating with your infrastructure to better understand each customer’s specific situation and proactively identify areas of concern (e.g., debt, medical history, unemployment).

Perspirational Data can take on many forms, including:

  • Financial Data: This may include your customer’s bank account balances, credit score, credit card transaction history, debts and investments, and any other transactional finance information. Such data would be derived from the financial institutions themselves.

  • Health & Wellness Data: This may include a patient’s vital signs, medical history, exercise regimen, drug adherence, etc., and may be derived from Electronic Medical Records (EMR) as combined with data from wearables and health apps.

  • Professional/Career Data: This may include your customer’s work history, professional skills, and colleague recommendations, and may be derived from a professional network or employment organization’s app, website or database.

Aspirational Data

Aspirational Data are the ambitions your customers hold dear. The goals they’re striving to achieve. Aspirational data is where your customers aspire to be, how they hope to feel, and what they dream of doing.

Organizations today aren’t properly equipped to capture apirational customer data, despite the enormous power it holds. By initiating conversations with your customers, Anthro seamlessly prompts customers to share their hopes and dreams, giving you a huge leg up in helping customers overcome hurdles to reach their goals and find their best future.


Anthro determines each customer’s personal recommendation by compiling all of their Perspirational and Aspirational Data to identify their most pressing challenges (e.g., getting out of debt, improving their health, achieving a promotion, etc.)

Next, Anthro delivers actionable advice through personalized recommendations (e.g., finance-management strategies, lifestyle changes to adopt, professional skills to develop), and custom content that inspires your customers to achieve their goals.

What makes Anthro better?

Since Anthro’s AI engine understands your customer deeply and profoundly, Anthro can act as an AI coach, benefiting customers like never before by functioning both proactively and reactively. For instance, the platform proactively sends customers daily bite-sized advice (or, “snacks”) in the form of push notifications. These notifications serve as daily reminders that help customers stay on track.

Anthro’s powerful recommendation engine can also deliver snackable content and advice as content in your customers’ most-used apps (e.g., finance, career, health) where a personalized, step-by-step plan for achieving each aspirational goal reinforces Anthro’s advice and keeps the customer focused.

For those who need to have a conversation, Anthro can also function within the form factor of a chatbot so your customers can ask questions and receive relevant content and actionable advice in real time.

Consider how aspirational data enabled a holistic view of these customers:

Lydia and Tyler each make $70K/year, have $10K saved, and need help boosting their income and savings. Rather than provide a generic recommendation (e.g., invest, reduce spending), our platform gathers additional aspirational data to demonstrate caring and to learn more about Lydia and Tyler’s specific needs: “Are they planning on making any major purchases soon?” When Anthro learns they need to save for a down payment on a house and Tyler wants to start saving for retirement, Anthro shifts the conversation: “Which is the greater priority?” “How much does each of them need to save?” Next, Anthro cross-references their financial histories and behavior patterns with their aspirational goals to generate an actionable (and attainable!) direction for Lydia and Tyler.

Seeing the path ahead clearly laid out—along with hard evidence of future financial success—Lydia and Tyler are far more likely to be inspired to pursue their goals and live a transformative life.

The icing on the cake

Our AI Coach plays with everybody. Not only can Anthro integrate with infrastructures across every relevant vertical (finance, healthcare, career, etc.), Anthro also delivers snackable advice to fit every channel and form factor: in a traditional chatbot environment, as a push notification on a mobile device, or as a DM in a social website.

In short, Anthro can be everywhere: delivering life-improving direction for customers via an organization’s website, in a mobile or smartwatch app, even as a DM AI Coach in their WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! What’s more, Anthro’s tone and UI is flexible enough to be customized to match your brand’s style, look, and feel.

Foster a lifelong relationship with customers by delivering relevant educational opportunities and personalized, actionable advice at scale. Attract and connect with the next generation of customers in the medium they’re most comfortable with.

Our technology is advanced but your choice is simple.

Who benefits?

In short, everyone.

By reducing your reliance on human interaction, Anthro minimizes strain on call centers, career counselors, financial advisors, and more. At the same time, Anthro dramatically increases upsell and cross-sell opportunities, and turns customers into raving fans by providing instant advice, options, and solutions specific to each engagement. Crafted by humans and fueled by each customer’s specific account history data—not by ‘all the content on the web.’ Anthro’s customized, closed-network AI safely and securely helps customers improve their lives like never before. And best of all, it operates at scale.

Each implementation is custom-designed to provide valuable information about your programs and services and to answer account-specific questions in plain English (e.g., “How much money do I still owe? How many payments are left?”). Better still, all interactions with Anthro are private and cannot be viewed or accessed by programmers, team members, and competitors.

Put your customers on the path to a better life. Anthro makes it possible for everyone from financial advisors, healthcare providers, and HR professionals to use AI to inspire meaningful change in the lives of their patients and customers.

At the end of the day, seeing is believing. We can wax poetic about our AI, but the real joy happens when you experience it for yourself.